Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Client Ian's Trasformation: 12 Week Fitness Challenge Update

Update:  After week 1 Ian's body weight had not changed.  I informed him this is typical since his body is adjusting to the new caloric changes and workouts.  He has been diligent with logging his food on myfitnesspal.com and staying on track with his caloric intake. He's eating the approved EDGE Meals (except for the Jack in the Box lol)  but still needs to increase the protein intake.   He made all of his workouts, but had yet to get connected to the hear rate monitor.  His biggest concern is making the right nutrition choices at events and social outings.  Like many clients eating out and social events can be the biggest downfall. He expressed the feeling that all the hard work he accomplished would be ruined.   The #1 key is to try to make good choices and continue logging your food intake.  Seeing the actual calorie breakdown will make you think before you grab the fried appetizer.

Update:  After week 2 Ian was again very busy and actually wasn't able to workout a couple days but used his rest day to make up a strength training session.  He felt it was harder to make himself get to the gym this week, but was able to stay on track!  Down 7 lbs!  Good Job!  That should help motivate him!  I gave him 5 stars on nutrition this week.  He actually passed on pizza offered to him Saturday night! (I think he drank his calories instead HaHa).  He was good with protein intake and now is connected to the heart rate monitor and sharing his workouts with us through digifit. 

 His goal this week is to get at least 2 morning runs in before work.  I told him running in the morning can also help lose weight faster. A run will jump start your metabolism early in the morning, so your body burns calories at a faster rate throughout the day. 

Excited to see what next week brings as we enter into Phase 2!  

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