Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekend Warrior Lesson Learned!


So I decided to join a flag football league and see if I still have what it takes.  I workout on a consistent basis and keep in good shape, so  I should have no problem.  Right?  Well, I quickly learned the day after the first game if you don't stretch afterwards you are neglecting the body and soreness will set in.  Sure I warmed up and stretched before the game but afterwards I went along with my day forgetting about the "cool down".  So, after game 2 I stretched immediately afterwards and amazingly NO soreness.  

Many of us are "weekend warriors",whether you are an armchair athlete who wants to get out of your La-Z-Boy and get into shape, or an elite competitor training to best the competition, or more likely, you're somewhere in between.  Either way, a good warm-up and cool down that stretches out muscles and loosens joints is the key to getting good results.

There are two forms of stretching, dynamic and static. Dynamic stretching involves stretching over a range of motion, while static stretching involves holding a stressed position for a period of time, usually 15 to 20 seconds, as in old-fashioned toe-touching.  Dynamic stretching has taken precedence as the preferred warm-up method, while static stretching is recommended after a workout when the body is warmed up.  The actual stretches performed may vary depending on the activity you are participating in.  

So lesson learned!  Remember to stretch those worked out muscles and you will be less sore and much more prepared for your next activity!  As always, please feel free to contact me for a stretching routine or any questions you may have at: